China stocks vs US stocks

I have been reading quite a number of posts in forums lately lambasting how untrustworthy S shares are, how it is a con job etc etc.

Lets compare apple to apple, China vs USA.

While Lehman Brothers loss and collapse caused a massive tsunami into the financial system, which S shares or china stock could have done an impact as such? Take note that Lehman Brothers at the brink of destruction were still telling the public they are solvent and sound!

Next, Madoff's ponzi scheme. How long did it last? Well, really noone knows.

Last but not least, the massive collapse of the big US banks, which is causing banks, economic systems, sovereign wealth funds around the world falling with them.

But nevertheless, psychologically, people still have faith in USA rather than China. While everyone is shooting china stocks as cheats, swindlers, what happen to US stocks?

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