G20: Confronting the crisis

World leaders will convene in London on April 2 to discuss how to prevent another global economic crisis from happening again. Here is a snapshot of 10 key economies and the challenges they face.

Link: http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/storysupplement/global_crisis/index.html

By David Goldman

Gallery: 10 economies in decline


GDP growth*



Stock market decline

Gallon of gas
Interest Rates
Brazil 1.80% 5.90% 8.20% 6.90% $4.17 11.25%
China 6.70% -1.60% 9%** 22.10% $3.01 5.31%
Germany -2.50% 1.00% 7.90% -11.90% $5.97 1.50%
Iceland -10.00% 17.60% 6.60% -9.00% $8.20 18.00%
India 5.10% 10.40% 6.80% -7.00% $4.06 5.50%
Japan -2.60% 0.00% 4.10% -4.20% $4.09 0.10%
Mexico 0.30% 6.20% 5.00% 9.30% $2.19 6.75%
Russia -0.70% 12.00% 8.10% 16.20% $2.81 13.00%
United Kingdom -1.20% 0.10% 6.30% -11.20% $4.85 0.50%
United States -1.60% 0.20% 8.10% -10.70% $1.99 0% to 0.25%

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